Dear Students,

Logistics has emerged throughout history as the transportation of goods and services from one place to the desired point to meet human needs. However, it has developed as a service sector that meets the raw material needs of production and commercial activities, which have become integrated and complex with globalization, and ensures the delivery of produced goods and services to the end user, that is, the customer.

In this context, Logistics Management has become an interdisciplinary science that includes effective and efficient planning, implementation and control of the forward (from producer to consumer) and backward (consumer to producer) movement of products and services within the scope of supply, financial and information flows. The chain from the point where products are produced to the point of consumption where they are used to meet the needs of customers.

In increasingly harsh competitive conditions, companies can survive and increase their market share only with analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. Every decision taken regarding logistics processes can be carried out more efficiently with the integration of up-to-date information technologies and trained and equipped manpower to analyze them correctly.

For this reason, Logistics Management is a branch of service needed by all kinds of commercial organizations, and meeting the needs of these areas is only possible with an adult and well-equipped workforce with interdisciplinary knowledge.

The rapid growth of the logistics sector over the years and the intense competition with international companies have led to a shortage of qualified manpower in the sector and brought about a change in the current logistics manager profile. The logistics industry now needs employees who are not only experienced in the industry, but also can think analytically, are competent in numerical matters, have knowledge of all technical aspects of logistics, and have interdisciplinary knowledge.

The true importance and value of logistics and supply chain emerged with the impact of the global COVID-19 epidemic that affected the world between 2020-2022. As a result of the interruption of the global supply chain, global production almost came to a halt, affecting countries as an economic crisis. After this pandemic, the need for a qualified workforce specialized in logistics management increased in the world and in Turkey.

THK University aims to educate qualified, knowledgeable and equipped students trained in the field of logistics, which integrates today's complex and intertwined commercial and production activities and ensures timely delivery of the produced product to the customer.

The Department of Logistics Management, whose education and teaching language is 100% English, educates its students in line with this purpose and aims to prepare them for business life. In order to educate our potential graduates in the best possible way, the teaching staff has been carefully selected from those who are the most competent in their field and who know both theory and practice well. You will receive lessons from a capable, knowledgeable and dynamic academic staff who are competent in their fields.

When you choose THK University Logistics Management Department, you will start your career journey with a solid step at the intersection of Logistics and Aviation, which has the highest growth rate today and is considered among the most popular professions of the future.

In our department, you will have the opportunity to receive diplomas (double major, minor) from other departments of Aviation Management, Business Administration and Management Information Systems, as well as take elective courses from some other departments of our faculty or University.

Thanks to the education of many foreign students from 97 different countries at THK University, there is a multinational academic environment enriched with different cultures. You will improve yourself in such an environment and have a multinational social environment while studying.

All these elements I mentioned above will add great value to your career journey.

Therefore, on behalf of the entire academic staff of THK University Logistics Management Department, I invite you to be one of the distinguished students of our department and wish you success in your future life.

Head of Department of Logistics Management  

Prof. Dr. Sertif DEMİR